An Idiots’ Guide to Tattoos

Stupid things people say to tattooed women

Aish Mann
4 min readDec 13, 2019
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

As a young Asian woman living in a conservative society, having tattoos is something that is immensely frowned upon. So you can imagine the look of horror on my parents’ face when I came home with one. That too on a very visible spot (my forearm).

Words were thrown around, some disagreements, threats of disownment were made, and after a week of the silent treatment, my parents moved on.

Although they go about their lives ignoring the existence of my tattoo, there is one group of people that hadn’t really had their turn ridiculing me for the art I choose to wear on myself. For expressing myself and taking ownership of my body and my thoughts.

The relatives.

These are the group of people that are around just to point out flaws under the pretext of care and love. But we all know they’re there just to add pressure because they haven’t had the same exposure, freedom and opportunities as we have. It’s sad, really.

So over the last few months, I have come across multiple questions and comments about my tattoo which are similar to the ones that I have seen other friends get too. As annoying and invasive as these questions are, I am too polite to tell people off on their face.



Aish Mann

An economist by training & a writer by soul, I write about topics that I feel add value to the world.